Why am I seeing this?
A service you use has chosen to improve your experience on their site by installing hCaptcha to reduce malicious traffic.
You have left the website you were previously on by clicking on a hCaptcha information link.
What is hCaptcha?
hCaptcha helps your favorite online services keep out bots, spam, and abuse by asking simple questions that are easy for humans and difficult for machines.
Want to try hCaptcha on your own website or app?
Why Industry Leaders Choose hCaptcha
Privacy Focused
hCaptcha is focused on stopping bots. We don't care who a user is, but only whether they are malicious. We work hard to balance privacy & security, and comply with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, PIPL, and other privacy regulations.
Advanced Security
hCaptcha combines sophisticated machine learning with a powerful challenge platform to protect web applications from account takeovers, credential stuffing, scraping, and other kinds of abuse.
Better Experiences
Each time you answer a challenge, hCaptcha's sophisticated models figure out whether you are human. The website you visited then uses this result to help improve your experience on their site by keeping out bots.