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Stop more bots. Start protecting user privacy.

The #1 privacy-first CAPTCHA for web, mobile, and more.

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The top online services rely on hCaptcha Enterprise for best-in-class bot and fraud management.

Learn more about hCaptcha Enterprise

Private. Secure. Faster.

Privacy Focused

Ad networks see your visitors as the product. We only care whether a visit is good or bad. hCaptcha complies with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, PIPL, and other global data laws.

Security First

Protect your services from scraping, account takeovers, credential stuffing, and spam with our advanced machine learning and humanity verification.

Better User Experience

Minimizing friction for real users is important. hCaptcha uses simple tasks and takes less time for most users while stopping more bot traffic.

hCaptcha provides more reliable bot detection while being simple for humans to solve.

Try it out

Stop fraud and abuse, protect user privacy

hCaptcha has a plan to suit you, no matter your size.

Basic (Free)

Free up to one million requests per month
Low friction modes and custom themes
Class-leading security ML, threat scores, and more
World-class bot protection
Advanced self-supervised ML and AI technologies protect your web properties from threats and attacks
Works in every country
With over 200 points of presence, hCaptcha's cloud protects your assets throughout the world
Complies with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, PIPL and more
Privacy is built from the ground up. hCaptcha retains no PII and is compliant with numerous privacy mandates and regulations.
Friction-free “No CAPTCHA” & 99.9% passive modes
Reduce challenges presented to users to allow for fast access to applications
Bot categorization and risk scores
Sophisticated machine learning models generate bot confidence scores based on many data points beyond whether questions were answered correctly
Threat signatures
Group bad actors together effortlessly via our privacy-preserving Scoped UIDs to find and stop related fraud and abuse
Detect human threat actors
A suite of extended features that combine with enhanced SOC monitoring and response to address sophisticated persistent threats
Control challenges and types shown
Display infinitely diverse custom challenges -- from simple to complex -- for your anticipated audience
Control challenge content used
Customize challenges for your users.  Make it impossible for bots to solve and penetrate.
Fine-grained difficulty levels
Choose from a nearly infinite number of challenges for users to solve
Flash Sale protection features
Raise and lower challenge difficulty based on time of day
Multi-user dashboards, SAML SSO
Dashboards deliver high-level or fine-grained views of activity.Integrate with the identity provider of your choice.
Advanced reporting features
Generate detailed and customized reports of activity
Enterprise SLAs
hCaptcha's Enterprise plans offer advanced service-level agreements to keep your organization protected

The Value in Data Labeling

Did you realize every time you "click on the car" you are helping to train a single iantic company's machine learning systems for free?

hCaptcha turns this model around. When you use hCaptcha, companies bid on the work your users do as they prove their humanity. You get the rewards.

Give Back to Charity

Want to give back to your favorite charity? hCaptcha lets you support the charities of your choice with the earnings you gain from using it.

Users on your site will soon be able to see your contribution to charity through discreet branding on the hCaptcha interface.

About hCaptcha

A Modern Approach to Verifying Humanity

hCaptcha solves one of today's most pressing problems: preventing malicious bots from abusing online services.
Learn more about the hCaptcha team

The World's Most Advanced Security ML Platform

hCaptcha combined advanced self-supervised machine learning with a novel edge compute approach that uniquely minimizes data collection and retention, delivered from over 250 locations globally for massive scalability.

Designed for Privacy

hCaptcha is designed to eliminate long-term data retention by relying on instant evaluation rather than recording and analyzing your browsing history. We also support initiatives like Privacy Pass, an emerging standard for preserving online privacy via cryptographic proofs, and other unique privacy-first features.
Want to see for yourself? Try hCaptcha for free.