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What is hCaptcha and why am I seeing this message?

Last updated: Aug 11, 2023

hCaptcha offers privacy-first bot, fraud, and abuse mitigation solutions. 

An alert is displayed on the hCaptcha checkbox when an organization exceeds the volume limits defined in their agreement with hCaptcha, is notified, and does not resolve this after receiving notice.

When a company does not adhere to our Terms of Service regarding traffic quotas, we first attempt to contact the organization privately. If an organization fails to respond, their account is flagged, and a warning message is shown. Repeated violations can result in suspension of the organization's account.

What does it mean for me?

Site visitor

If you are visiting the flagged website or app, no action is required on your end. Your experience with the site will not be affected. 

Impacted organization

If your organization has been flagged, please contact our sales team to remediate this issue.